Multi Tenancy
comes with the built-in support for multi-tenancy, enabling the use of a single Go struct with multiple databases. This feature allows creation of multiple EntityMongoModel
of the same Go struct to be attached to different databases while using the same underlying MongoDB client connection.
Create separate EntityMongoModel
for different tenants using same Go struct and corresponding databases.
type User struct {
Name string
EmailID string `bson:"emailId"`
Amount float32
collection := "users"
tenant1DB := "tenant1"
tenant2DB := "tenant2"
tenant1Model, _ := mgod.NewEntityMongoModelOptions(tenant1DB, collection, nil)
tenant2Model, _ := mgod.NewEntityMongoModelOptions(tenant2DB, collection, nil)
These models can now be used simultaneously inside the same service logic as well as in a transaction operation.
amount := 10000
tenant1Model.UpdateMany(context.TODO(), bson.M{"name": "Gopher Tenant 1"}, bson.M{"$inc": {"amount": -amount}})
tenant2Model.UpdateMany(context.TODO(), bson.M{"name": "Gopher Tenant 2"}, bson.M{"$inc": {"amount": amount}})
The EntityMongoModel
is always bound to the specified database at the time of its declaration and, as such, cannot be used to perform operations across multiple databases.
result, _ := tenant1Model.FindOne(context.TODO(), bson.M{"name": "Gopher Tenant 2"})
// result will be <nil> value in this case