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Schema Options

Schema Options is Mongo Schema level options (which modifies actual MongoDB doc) that needs to be provided when creating a new EntityMongoModel.

mgod supports the following schema options -


  • Accepts Type: bool
  • Default Value: false
  • Is Optional: Yes

It is used to track createdAt and updatedAt meta fields for the entity. See Meta Fields for examples.


schemaOpts := schemaopt.SchemaOptions{
Timestamps: true,


  • Accepts Type: bool
  • Default Value: true
  • Is Optional: Yes

This reports whether to add a version key (__v) for the entity. See Meta Fields for examples.


schemaOpts := schemaopt.SchemaOptions{
VersionKey: true,


  • Accepts Type: bool
  • Default Value: false
  • Is Optional: Yes

It defines whether the entity is a union type. See Union Types for more details on unions.


schemaOpts := schemaopt.SchemaOptions{
IsUnionType: true,

If IsUnionType is set to true, then __t will be used as the DiscriminatorKey by default.


  • Accepts Type: string
  • Default Value: __t
  • Is Optional: Yes

It is the key used to identify the underlying type in case of a union type entity.



IsUnionType needs to be set to true to use the DiscriminatorKey field.

schemaOpts := schemaopt.SchemaOptions{
IsUnionType: true,
DiscriminatorKey: "type",

The provided DiscriminatorKey should be present in the Go struct as a compulsory field.

Default DiscriminatorKey will be overwritten by the provided type field.