Union Types
Sometimes its possible that the API needs to be flexible and support a range of types. An example for this might be a tagging functionality on resources such as user, movies, etc. The CRUD layer for tags entity needs to support operations on multiple types of tags like NumberTag
, DateTag
, etc. through same functions.
In Go, to create union types, we need to create a base type and then use it as a struct embedding in children types. For instance, here we are creating two children tag types - NumberTag
and DateTag
with BaseTag
as the base type.
type TagTypeEnum string
const (
TagTypeEnumNumber TagTypeEnum = "number"
TagTypeEnumDate TagTypeEnum = "date"
type BaseTag struct {
ID string `bson:"_id" mgoType:"id"`
Name string
Type TagTypeEnum
func (BaseTag) IsTag() {}
type NumberTag struct {
BaseTag `bson:",inline"`
Number int
type DateTag struct {
BaseTag `bson:",inline"`
Date string `mgoType:"date"`
Though we know the type of the doc while insertion, it might not be possible to know the doc type beforehand while querying a collection that stores multiple types of docs like in the case of union types. So, we need a global type that can receive the doc for any of the union types.
type GlobalTag struct {
BaseTag `bson:",inline"`
Number *int `bson:",omitempty"`
Date *string `bson:",omitempty" mgoType:"date"`
Only common fields are kept as compulsory whereas other fields are marked optional.
Configure schema options for the union type entities
discriminator := "type"
schemaOpts := schemaopt.SchemaOptions{
Collection: "unionTest",
Timestamps: true,
IsUnionType: true,
DiscriminatorKey: &discriminator,
We have used the type
field as the discriminator in this case, as it a unique key to identify underlying union types.
In case if we do not provide type
as the discriminator key, __t
will be added to the MongoDB doc with its value as the name of its underlying struct type.
Create ODM for entities
globalTagModel, _ := mgod.NewEntityMongoModel(GlobalTag{}, schemaOpts)
numberTagModel, _ := mgod.NewEntityMongoModel(NumberTag{}, schemaOpts)
dateTagModel, _ := mgod.NewEntityMongoModel(DateTag{}, schemaOpts)
Inserting Documents
To insert documents, we have two options:
Use ODM specific to the entity we are inserting in case we have liberty to create separate functions to handle different entities.
numberTag := NumberTag{
BaseTag: BaseTag{
ID: primitive.NewObjectID().Hex(),
Name: "numberTag",
Type: TagTypeEnumNumber,
Number: 1,
insertedNumberTag, _ := numberTagModel.InsertOne(context.TODO(), numberTag)Output:
"_id" : ObjectId("65718f9c55e90b39cf538b42"),
"name" : "numberTag",
"type" : "number",
"number" : 1,
"createdAt" : ISODate("2023-12-07T09:25:48.253Z"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2023-12-07T09:25:48.253Z"),
"__v" : 0
} -
Use global ODM to insert the doc that is created using the entity ODM. This is helpful in case where we want a common function handle the inserting of entities.
date, _ := dateformatter.New(time.Now().UTC()).GetISOString()
dateTag := DateTag{
BaseTag: BaseTag{
ID: primitive.NewObjectID().Hex(),
Name: "dateTag",
Type: TagTypeEnumDate,
Date: date,
dateTagDoc, _ := dateTagModel.GetDocToInsert(context.TODO(), numberTag)
insertedDateTag, _ := globalTagModel.InsertOne(context.TODO(), dateTagDoc)Output:
"_id" : ObjectId("65718f9c55e90b39cf538b43"),
"name" : "dateTag",
"type" : "date",
"date" : ISODate("2023-12-07T09:25:48.252Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2023-12-07T09:25:48.253Z"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2023-12-07T09:25:48.253Z"),
"__v" : 0
Find docs by querying on model properties using the global ODM
numberTag, _ := globalTagModel.FindOne(context.TODO(), bson.M{"name": "numberTag"})
ID: "65718f9c55e90b39cf538b42",
Name: "numberTag",
Type: "number",
Number: 0x1400030c380, // pointer to value of 1
Date: <nil>,
In the above step, before returning the results, all docs received from the MongoDB are validated and processed against their respective typed models based on the discriminator key (here the type
field). So, in the above step, the number tag document is processed against the schema for NumberTag type before getting converted to the GlobalTag type.